LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget says that regional jobless rates receded in the state during March.
According to data released by the department on Thursday, not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates fell in all 17 Michigan labor market areas during the month as well.
Jobless rates have been trending downward in all major Michigan regions since March 2021, with a notable median decline of 2.1 percentage points.
And the positive news continues for all 83 Michigan counties as they registered unemployment rate reductions over the month, with the largest jobless rate cut occurring in Mackinac County with Jobless rates falling in all counties as well.
Looking at the situation a bit more locally, the number of residents employed in Calhoun County has gone up 3.2% since March of 2021, 4.2% for Barry, Kent, Montcalm, and Ottawa Counties combined.
Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties combined saw an increase of 4.7% of it’s residents in a year since March of 2021.
For more detailed information, including data tables, view the full release.