KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A building that previously held two restaurants at the edge of Western Michigan University (WMU) has been demolished.
The building, University Plaza located on Howard Street, was razed earlier this month, according to a report from MLive Monday.
Although multiple businesses have occupied the space over the years, the restaurants Campus Wok and Two Fellas Grill were the last to set up shop.
Both of those businesses had already relocated elsewhere before the demolition process, with Two Fellas moving into 2730 West Michigan Avenue. That site previously held a Wendy’s location.
In addition, Campus Wok has moved to another nearby location, 2636 West Michigan Avenue, right next to East Egg.
WMU spokesperson Paula Davis told MLive reporters that the building had been demolished due to its aging and failing infrastructure. She said that the investment to repair the building would be too high, and that the site will instead be redeveloped as a “greenspace,” according to the report.
New sidewalks will also be involved in the project, Davis said.
Construction equipment could still be seen at the former site Monday evening.
See below for additional photos:

Construction equipment at Campus Plaza near WMU. (Photo by Will Kriss).

New location for Campus Wok in Kalamazoo, located at 2636 W. Michigan Ave. (Photo by Will Kriss).

New location for Two Fellas Grill at 2730 W. Michigan Ave. in Kalamazoo. (Photo by Will Kriss).

Undated image of the former University Plaza near Western Michigan University before demolition. (Photo via Google Maps Street View).